Due to it's diverse habitats Hungary is home to all European Woodpecker species (but the Three-toed Woodpecker) and a good number of Owls. The best time to look for these forest birds is early Spring (from midtill end of  March) when the territorial behaviuor is at it's peak. Our guides and local experts have intimate knowledge of the best habitats and breeding sites that they have been observing for years.

This trip is for those who like walking and are fit enough to cover short or medium long distances in order to get to the best habitats. The terrain is usually easy or moderate though sometimes could be muddy and slippery. Weather  in Spring is usually mild at the lowland but can get cold, windy and even snowy in the mountains.

The first part of the tour (appr. 3-4 days long) is based in Tiszalpár, Central Hungary where we concentrate on the Tisza River's old and mixed gallery forests. Here we can find all the Woodpeckers but the White-backed and the Grey-headed. Tawny, Long-eared and Little Owl are resident breeders, while Scops Owl is migratory species. We will be birding in local wetlands and steppes to look for waterbirds and raptors (eg. Egrets and Herons, some Grebes, Ducks and Geese, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Saker Falcon, White-tailed Eagle, Hen Harrier, Rough-legged Buzzard, etc.) and floodplain forests should be teeming wih resident and wintering species like Short-toed Treecreeper, Nuthatch, Tits, huge flocks of Fieldfare, Redwing, Bullfinch, etc. 

The second part of the trip concentrates on the Bükk National Park's pristine and old beech and oak forests, stone quarries in search for White-backed and the Grey-headed Woodpecker, Ural, Eagle, Pigmy and perhaps Boreal Owl. There is also a chance to see he illusive Wallcreeper, Golden Eagle and Peregrine Falcon. From the rich Mammal fauna we have chance to see some Dormice species, Red Fox, Beech and Stone Marten, maybe footprints of super rare Wolf or Lynx with our experts. We plan to stay in this area in a nice family run guesthouse for 2-3 days.

Pick up and drop off at Budapest Airport, all transportation done by a comfortable 9 seater van.